Cleaning the Outside of your Vehicle Windows with Steel Wool

April 24th, 2017 by

This technique is simple and works very effectively to get your windshield looking sparkling new.*

Here is what you’ll need to get started:

  • Fine steel wool
  • Invisible glass
  • Rainx
  • Rags
  • A sock

Use the finest steel wool you can find — four ought steel wool. (0000) Make sure these are the numbers on your steel wool package as there is a difference between 4 ought (0000) and 3 ought (000). This will make sure the rough surface of the wool is extra gentle on your windshield and leave you with an incredibly smooth finish.

Step 1: Start by rubbing down the entire windshield with your steel wool. Polish the entire windshield in firm, circular motions for about 5 to 10 minutes. Make sure you look for and attack any little spot.
Step 2: Soak a rag in Rainx and clean the entire windshield with the cloth. Make sure this does not get on your vehicles paint.
Step 3: Let your windshield dry before giving it a second coat of Rainx.
Step 4: Let the Rainx dry and while it’s drying, soak a rag with water. Once the windshield is dry, wipe down the entire surface with the rag.
Step 5: Soak a sock with Rainx and use the cloth to cover your windshield wipers with the product, too.
Step 6: Finish off with a coat of Invisible Glass.

Has anyone tried this technique? What were your results?

Thank  you and be safe!

*Disclaimer: Milnes is not responsible for the results of experimenting with this technique.
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